Happy 89th Birthday, Mother!

Today is Mother’s Birthday. She has lived through the roaring 20’s, the depression of the 30’s, the war of the 40’s, the rebuilding of the 50’s, the hippies of the 60’s, the “Me” Decade of the 70’s, the materialism of the 80’s, the emergence of personal computers in the home, and into the 21st century!

She was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, the 4th child and 2nd daughter of a growing family. The first known picture of her was taken in 1920, at the age of 2 months.

1920, First Known picture  of Mother

1920, First Known picture of Mother

The next picture was taken in 1921. She and her mother were on a trip to Honolulu from Hilo. Her older sister, Maralee June, had just died and her mother needed to get away. According to my mother, her mother’s dress was a lovely blue velvet.


1921, Honolulu, Hawaii

1922, Honolulu, Hawaii

Fast forward to 1932. What the occasion of this picture was, I have not a clue!  The picture was taken next to a pond and mother is wearing a lovely dress.

1932, Hilo, Hawaii

1932, Hilo, Hawaii

A few short years later she celebrated her high school graduation. She graduated from Hilo High School in 1937 and was preparing for college in Sacramento, California. She had grandparents, aunts and uncles in that area.

High School Graduation 1937

High School Graduation 1937

In 1945, she was a young mother and had three children. In this picture, she is holding her middle child, a lovely young daughter . . . ME!

Hilo, Hawaii.  Mother and Me

Hilo, Hawaii. Mother and Me

The next picture was taken in 1948 when we lived on Pauhau Sugar Plantation on the Big Island of Hawaii. I, again, don’t know what the ocassion was, but wasn’t Mother lovely?

1948, Pauhau, Hawaii

1948, Pauhau, Hawaii

In the 1950’s we moved to Guam. We spent a lot of time at the beach, picnicing and hunting sea shells. We have an awesome collection from those days. This picture was taken just before we left on a vacation to visit my granddparents in Hawaii. When we returned, I no longer had my braids. I got my wish and got a hair cut and a permanent! I was cool!

about 1954 at the beach on Guam

about 1954 at the beach on Guam

In the 1960’s all three of her children got married and she became a grandparent for the first time. My parents took an assignment in the Philippines and traveled extensively throughout the Far East. This picture was taken at the wedding of her youngest daughter, Priscilla, in December of 1964 in Riverside, California.  (the picture was creased ~ there is nothing wrong with her face other than the crease!)

December, 1964, Riverside, California

December, 1964, Riverside, California

In the 1970’s a lot of changes happened in her life. She retired, my father retired, they sold their home in Riverside and retired to their weekend home in Fallbrook, California. Life was good! The following picture was taken in the mid 70’s in their home in Riverside. With mother, are her two daughters, I am on the left and Priscilla on her right.

Riverside, California, about 1975

Riverside, California, about 1975

My parents established themselves in life in Fallbrook. Mother volunteered at a local charity’s thrift store and they were members of the Symphony. They traveled. They made friends easily and family came for the holidays. This picture was taken of them at my father’s 50th class reunion. He graduated from Lowell High School in San Francisco in the early 1930’s.

Lowell High School 50th Class Reunion, mid 1980's

Lowell High School 50th Class Reunion, early 1980

In the 1990’s Mother lost her mate of 50+ years, but found another man to spend the remainder of her life with. Paul and Mother have been married for over 15 years and seem to be soulmates, never forgetting the full life they each shared with their first loves. In this picture, Mother was preparing Thanksgiving dinner for her family in Fallbrook, one of the last the entire family would share together.

Thanksgiving, early 1990's in Fallbrook, California

Thanksgiving, early 1990's in Fallbrook, California

Which brings us to the present decade! Her family has become larger with grandchildren added and her family has spread out ~ Linda in Pennsylvania and Priscilla in Wyoming, and grandchildren living in Oklahoma, Nevada and up and down California! Bud still remains in California, close to her.  He and his wife, Cherrie, threw a mother’s day luncheon this year and the majority of the family was able to attend. This picture was taken there.

Bud, Linda and Mother, Mother's Day 2008

Bud, Linda and Mother, Mother's Day 2008

Happy Birthday, Mother! We look forward to the Big NINE O next year!

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