Better Run! I’ve been Tagged and I’m It!

I got a double whammy and have been tagged by both The Family Curator and Amy’s Genealogy. Now I have to find 5 to tag. . . .
10 Years Ago, I…
  1. Was a volunteer in my grandchildren’s school
  2. Lived in the mountains in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range in Californai
  3. Never imagined life without our Katrinka Dinka Do!
  4. Didn’t have our youngest and final grandchild, William Ellis Bowman
  5. Had all of my Genealogy records in about 10 binders!

Five Things on my To Do List:

  1. Try to eat  healthier Sunday than I did at a potluck on Saturday!
  2. Church!
  3. Art Walk in Town today
  4. Finish a blog
  5. Call my mother because this is Sunday,  after all, and the day she expects a call

5 Snacks I Enjoy

  1. Raw almonds
  2. Peanut Butter and Celery
  3. String Cheese
  4. Pistachios
  5. OK ~ I’ll admit it!  I also love cookies! Fig Newtons, Snickerdoodles, Peanut Butter, Oatmeal Raisen, Brownies, you name the cookie and I’ll eat one or two. . . . . . at a time!

5 Places I Have Lived

  1. Pauhau, Hawaii
  2. Agana, Guam
  3. Tehachapi, California
  4. Rancho Mirage, California
  5. Lancaster, Pennsylvania

5 Jobs I Have Had

  1. Hamburger Stand when I was in College
  2. The Phone Company assigning telephone numbers
  3. Worked for an Interior Decorator
  4. Bookkeeper for a Baptist Church
  5. Payroll Clerk for a Power Company where I knew who was single and how much they earned.  I zeroed in on Jim and the rest is history!  Thirty years of history!

3 Bloggers I am tagging:

    1.  Chery Kinnick at Nordic Blue
    2.  Craig Manson at GeneaBlogie
    3. Paula Goff Christy at Paula Goff Christy’s Blog

Would three do? It seems like everybody else has already been tagged! If I spent my time checking as many as I have already, how would I have time to write blogs? 

After all, that is what we are here for after all, isn’t it?

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