The Queen is in Residence! ~ Truly the Noblest of Lives

She would show up for cameras.  If we showed up with a camera, she made sure she would glare, not smile, for it!  After all, she was Queen, and she wasn’t ready to have her picture taken quite yet!  There’s a void in our life and we surely miss our Katrinka Dinka Do!  After all she traveled across country with us, watching the landscape change as we did, sleeping when we wanted to and keeping us awake when we finally had a chance to sleep.  She was one of a kind and kept us on our toes!

bookwormTinka, as we called her sometimes, always showed an interest in what we were doing.  If not, she made sure, we knew she wanted our attention by plopping herself where she knew we would see her.  Everyone knows I love my books, and she did, too!  She, as well as I, preferred the oldest ones she could find.  If she wasn’t reading, she was doing her needlework, and that entailed her from preventing me from doing mine!

dinkadoShe was a valuable cat to have around.  If we were missing anything, anything at all, she seemed to know where to search for it.  We had no idea we were missing a quarter until we lifted the rug under the kitchen table to see exactly what she was trying to retrieve!  Yup!  She knew somehow there was a quarter under the rug!  How it got there is anybody’s guess!

dinkaShe was a beautiful Russian Blue and we miss her horribly!   The picture below is one of the last we have of her and shows her in her more “mature years.”  After 12 1/2 years in our home, she left us last September.  I can see her keeping everybody on their toes in Cat Heaven. 


We miss Katrinka Dinka Do so much, we are going to welcome Katrinka Dinka Two into our home.  She was born in March and will be ready to join us in the next couple of weeks.  Katrinka Dinka Two is another hypo-allergenic breed, a Tonkinese Blue point.  Isn’t she cute?

100_0432Stay tuned for the adventures of a child in a home occupied by set-in-their ways, old fogies!  I bet she’ll change things here!  

We’re looking forward to it!

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