Life in Lancaster County. Living in the Past

We had been vacationing in Pennsylvania for years. I had been bitten by that “Genealogy Bug” and we both loved the State and culture. Over ten years ago we made a decision to leave California and move to the Keystone State. Little did we know what life had in store for us because of that…

Puzzle Pieces Should Fit Together

Genealogy is a lot like working puzzles.  We only get the full picture when everything fits together.  Citing sources is our proof that the pieces fit, it helps us remember where we got the information and it is the proof that the information is correct. Tonight, as I was doing a little more research on…

Oh Susannah! Was this you??

Lancaster County Historical Society is the repository for the old County records, and entering them into the Society’s database is a long, time consuming process.  One person works eight hours a day on this task.  It will take years to finish it.   A couple of Saturdays ago, when I was volunteering at the Historical…

I forgot to add another favorite cemetery!

. . . and how could I ever forget Marietta Cemetery?? Since my Leader family were original settlers of this river town, two cemeteries here reflect my family’s history.  The picture of the John Auxer’s family final resting place is one of my favorites.  It was a chilly day, leaves blowing everywhere, and even the…

Another Week ~ more discoveries!

These weren’t right at my finger tips!  I had to drive over to York County to find these! First and foremost, George Axer/Oxer of York County, literally lost the farm to a Sheriff’s Sale in 1828. According to the Sheriff’s deed, “the estate of George Oxer” was sold, yada, yada, yada. This had me very…